Peterpaul Ott

Sale price$475.00 USD
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Hand-carved female form with exceptional details in the front and back.


Peterpaul Ott was born in Pilsen, Czechoslovakia in 1895 and studied art in both Germany and Austria. In 1924 Ott came to New York City, and by 1928 had received commissions for architectural sculpture in the area. While in New York he studied at the Cooper Union and under Alexander Archipenko. He exhibited between 1928 and 1933 at the New York Architectural League, the National Academy of Design, and the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, as well as at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor in 1929. Ott moved to Chicago in 1931. There he taught sculpture privately and at local colleges, and served as the Chicago supervisor of sculpture for the WPA from 1936 to 1939.